Wat zijn de beste bedrijven voor starters? Experience verzamelde informatie over opleidingen, arbeidsvoorwaarden en cultuur van meer dan 200 bedrijven in de VS. Accenture kwam daarbij als winnaar uit de bus. BDO accountants & adviseurs kreeg een eervolle tweede plaats.
“Accenture takes training and development seriously. How serious? In 2009, they spent $800 million in training, resulting in approximately 67 training hours per employee. Recent grads starting at this organization will grow professionally, and get to work for a company that understands a healthy work-life balance. There are also opportunities to make an impact in the community through volunteer efforts.”
Top 5 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads
Andere bedrijven in de lijst zijn onder meer T-Mobile (16) en Unilever (18).
“Unilever is attractive to recent graduates because it is a global company that helps people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. The company offers flexible work options with the opportunity to gain experience and move into a leadership role. Some employees have the opportunity to work in different countries with different brands within the Unilever portfolio. And the work environment? The culture at Unilever is mission oriented and encourages community outreach and diversity.”
Kijk voor de complete lijst op 2010 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads.